
QuestionsCategory: Flea Infestationstransferring-fleas
M asked 8 years ago

What\\\’s the possibility for fleas to have jumped from the exterminator into my hanging clothes organizers while he was spraying my closet? And if so, do fleas usually make their home in stacks of clothing?

1 Answers
Adam Retzer Staff answered 8 years ago

There is little chance of this happening. Fleas don’t live in clothing and aren’t attracted to these areas. After adult fleas emerge from their cocoons, they will seek out a host. Once a host is acquired, they’ll stay on the animal permanently. Eggs are laid on the host, but they’ll fall off within a few hours. The eggs then develop in the environment. Eggs and immature stages are usually found in carpeting, but they can develop anywhere the infested animal commonly rests (as eggs fall from the animal).
