A few fleas after Multiple treatments

QuestionsCategory: Flea InfestationsA few fleas after Multiple treatments
Anonymous asked 9 years ago

My flea nightmare started in the end of September, our cat passed away and left behind a flea infestation that I still have no clue how it started, but I believe was from a used rug. Anyway…. Since the last week of September we have been treated by an exterminator 6 times. We have no carpet in the home other than the steps going down to the basement. Weeks ago when this started, I was covered in bites but now they have cleared up and I stay covered to prevent more. After each treatment, the number of dead and alive I’ve found have gone down. What started as finding 20 or so a day has decreased immensely. My last treatment was October 30th, just 9 days ago. Since then I had only come across about 4 in total and they were all dead! Hooray! Until yesterday and today when all of a sudden, I have jumpers. Just a few in my vacuum canister. Is this a worry? Will they die off? I was feeling comfortable again and now I’m on edge. I vacuum daily, wash bedding every other day, keep laundry off the floor, I’m constantly looking for them and picking up everything I see. I’m so upset to have found more jumping. I feel like for every one that i see, there are 100 I don’t. What am I missing? I feel like I can’t possibly need to keep treating? We also treated the yard and we don’t have a crawl space. Help! Is another infestation starting?
