Am I in the clear?

QuestionsAm I in the clear?
Matt P Greenfield asked 6 years ago

Hello. A few days ago, I saw a flea on one of my two dogs. I quickly took them outside, gave them a coconut oil based cleanser bath and putchased a flea comb and I found more on them. I bought food grade DE with some calcium bentonite added and sprinkled it almost everywhere in my apartment. I also started them on Nexgard. Since Sunday when I first noticed the fleas I have only seen less than 10 fleas either on me or my dogs (when using flea comb). I put a DIY flea trap in my living room last night using a pie dish filled with dawn and water and a lamp over it. Woke up this morning and checked and not a single flea was found. Not a single bug of any kind was found actually. Its been about 14 hours since I last saw or found a flea. Am I nearly out of the woods here or is it just a lull in appearances?
Update: its been more than 48 hours since the last flea sighting. The DE is still covering nearly every inch of my floor in the apartment and every piece of furniture and thier crevices.

1 Answers
Adam Retzer Staff answered 5 years ago

If you found 10 fleas in your home, it means they’ve been reproducing. There were likely hundreds of immature stages maturing in the environment. Generally, there are 100 immature stages for every 1 adult. You will likely see them emerge as adults in a few weeks (You’d have seen them by now, I apologize for the late response).
