Are fleas more active at night?

QuestionsCategory: Flea BiologyAre fleas more active at night?
Anonymous asked 10 years ago

I’ve noticed that fleas are more active at night. That is when I am getting bite a lot. Do they sleep?

cris replied 6 years ago

I would say ABSOLUTELY! My dog doesn’t seem bothered during the day too much, but the minute I try to go to sleep, he is running all over the place digging and itching and freaking out Like clockwork! If they sleep it is surely during the day.

Cream.Cake replied 6 years ago

I’ve done flea powder everywhere and flea spray and letting a bomb of in every room tomorrow and touch wood I haven’t had any jumping on me or any of my family washing up liquid is very good it bring the fleas to the top as they have nothing to grip to

2 Answers
Kay answered 5 years ago

Advecta 2 for cats is affordable at Walmart and works quick! I also use a flea comb and flush any fleas and eggs quickly down the toilet. The safest powder to use is Diatomaceous Food Grade Earth Powder ( order on Amazon). 

Adam Retzer Staff answered 5 years ago

Here are some pages which address your questions:

Are fleas more active at night?

Do fleas sleep?
