Baby flea

MaryM asked 6 years ago
  • A little background: I have been treating two dogs for fleas (including the outside of house, house and the dogs themselves) over the last week.  Today I was walking through our living room and what I thought was a spider web hanging from ceiling just happened to catch my attention.  I go over to grab it and put it outside but I didn’t see a spider anywhere. Then I got a feeling on my arm like the web was touching it and there were little “things crawling on my arm”.  I’m not sure what they were but while reading about fleas I did read that babies are worm like.  I even took pictures but I don’t think I am able to upload them.  Does this sound like possible baby fleas?  Would they be connected to anything web like?
1 Answers
Adam Retzer Staff answered 6 years ago


This sounds unrelated to fleas. Fleas won’t be near the ceiling like that. Also, they don’t create anything web-like as you’ve described. Flea larvae will spin a cocoon made of sticky silk-like fibers that gets coated in debris. However, flea larvae avoid light and pupate within carpets or other substrates. They won’t be in an open, exposed area, especially on the ceiling.

I hope this helps!
