Can mice introduce fleas to home?

QuestionsCategory: Flea InfestationsCan mice introduce fleas to home?
John asked 9 years ago

I have had an ongoing low level flea problem for a long time and have no pets  I was wondering could having mice in the attic cause this?
I have no pets, and have regularly caught mice in traps in the attic over the years  

2 Answers
Adam Retzer Staff answered 9 years ago

Hi John,

How long have you been seeing the fleas?

It’s possible for mice to carry fleas. However, the flea species that infest rodents are different than those that infest dogs and cats. This website isn’t focused on those species.

Regardless, spraying an insect growth regulator (IGR) can help control the fleas. Common IGR ingredients are pyriproxyfen (Nylar) or (s)-methoprene (Precor). These compounds mimic the natural hormones in insects that regulate development. Exposed eggs and larvae can’t develop into adults. IGRs are considered safer than traditional insecticides, and they have longer lasting residual activity. They’ll last 7 months indoors.

It may be a good idea to spray the attic, with a product like Martin’s IGR. Try to spray where you think the mouse bedding may be. The eggs will be laid on the mice, but they’ll fall off. Most will fall into the bedding where the mice rest.

John replied 9 years ago

Thanks Adam – I only recently realised that there actually were fleas after seeing one, though had received bites occasionally over 3-4 years.

I’ve vacuumed regularly and sprayed the house with Acclaim which I know contains the IGR methoprene. This seems to have resolved it (hopefully). As you suggest, I’ll do the attic also.

Adam Retzer Staff replied 9 years ago

It’s strange you’ve been getting bit by fleas for 3-4 years without pets. I hope this solves the problem.

Warm regards,

Judy replied 6 years ago

What kind of sprays to use for the rodents fleas i believe i am having that problem i don’t have any animals and i do believe o have 2 or 3 mice in my home

Adam Retzer Staff replied 6 years ago

Flea sprays are effective against all kinds of fleas, because of the way the active ingredients affect insects. See our page on flea sprays for fleas.

However, keep in mind, the infestation will probably not completely resolve until the host rodents are eliminated.

NanetteDurst answered 8 years ago

I think you should take advice from rodent pest controller because a flea problems are entirely controllable under professional care. Last month I was also dealing flea problems at my home without having any pets. Then, on the recommendation of my neighbor I had got in contact with flea pest control Greenwich CT services, where their treatment goal had stopped a flea problem and does not came coming back again.
