cat is gone, will the fleas go to?

QuestionsCategory: Flea Infestationscat is gone, will the fleas go to?
FleaGuy76 asked 8 years ago

I’ve recently got rid of my cat due to a flea infestation I couldn’t take it anymore…he’s got a good home now.
He’s been gone for about 2days now, I’ve recently vaccumed the whole house finding live fleas in the vacuum probably about 15-20. I’ve read that fleas can’t live on human blood, thank fucking god!!! *I vacuum till I don’t find anymore fleas*
How long will these little shits be around…i’m currently vacuuming everyday since its so easy with my Dyson. along with that I’m about to put some IGR on the rooms.
P.s I love this site, it’s very exact instead of all the other misleading information.

1 Answers
Adam Retzer Staff answered 8 years ago


You should see them completely gone in about 8 weeks from the time the cat was removed. The immature stages in the environment all need to emerge and die.

The life cycle, from egg to adult, completes in 17-26 days. However, a problem occurs after pupation, where adults can (most don’t) remain quiescent inside their cocoons for up to 5 months. The adults will rapidly wake up and emerge once they detect heat and pressure. Vacuuming and walking around the home can help force them to emerge.

I apologize for the late response.

Warm regards,
