Cat treated for fleas but a week later there's some in my house..

QuestionsCategory: Flea InfestationsCat treated for fleas but a week later there's some in my house..
Jane asked 8 years ago

Hi great website how does someone become so interested in fleas!
So I have two cats and found fleas on one had both treated at the vets and I scrubbed the whole house clean but 8 days later I have found fleas in my bedroom…how is this possible if the fleas should have died without a host to feed on?Are they feeding on me and my family?I will treat the house now with the flea spray but should I throw out all my beds and furniture!? Or move house.(I really can’t afford to do that)
Yours sincerely
Grossed out, Jane

1 Answers
Adam Retzer Staff answered 8 years ago


Immature fleas (eggs, larvae, and pupae) make up 95-99% of infestation. They live deep within carpets, or similar refuges. As a result, they can be protected from insecticide sprays, vacuuming, and other cleaning methods. As these young fleas mature, they will emerge from the carpets. These are likely the fleas you are seeing, and will continue to see for around 8 weeks.

Upon emerging they will jump onto the treated cats and die. They may bite people in the area if the fleas emerge when the cats aren’t around. But with people, they feed and then leave.

There’s no need to throw out your beds and furniture. They don’t live in these places like bed bugs do. Fleas lay their eggs on their host. The eggs are non-sticky and fall off within a few hours. The eggs then develop where they fall in the environment. Usually this is carpeting, pet bedding, or other areas where the cats rest. Laundering any items, such as bedding and rugs, will kill the fleas. If your cats rest on furniture just be extra vigilant with vacuuming the areas, especially folds in the fabric.

Ensure the flea spray you are going use contains an insect growth regulator, either pyriproxyfen (Nylar) or methoprene (Precor).

Warm regards,
