Could this be fleas?

QuestionsCategory: OtherCould this be fleas?
Mich Lucy asked 6 years ago

I was bitten multiple times on my legs by an unknown insect–incredibly itchy, welt like bites that still itch/hurt more than a week later.  Later in the week, I noticed that there were very tiny whitish bugs on a dress I had bought the day I received the bites (I had tried it on in the store, but the dress was still in the tied bag in my car), along with black specks in the bottom of the bag.  The bugs seemed to hop/jump when I placed my finger by them.  Could these be young fleas?  If so, how likely is it that my car will need to be treated? 

1 Answers
Adam Retzer Staff answered 6 years ago


These pests don’t sound like fleas. Young adult fleas are brown/black colored. Flea larvae are white, but they are like tiny worms or maggots. I am not sure what the tiny, white hopping bugs are. Maybe consult an entomologist specializing in parasitology?

The bites you describe sound like flea bites. However, most insect bites display similar features. So, it isn’t really possible to identity the pest based on the bite.

I’m sorry I can’t provide more help with identifying the pests you saw.

