Dead fleas and found flea dirt once

QuestionsCategory: Flea InfestationsDead fleas and found flea dirt once
Amanda asked 6 years ago

I have three dogs. So on Sunday I found a live flea and some flea dirt on one of them(she’s white it’s easy to see). I immediately bathed and combed her for anymore. I found a dead one on top of it. I checked the other two and didn’t see anything( one is chocolate brown and the other is gray). I vacuumed and made an appointment for the groomer the next day for a cut. My gray dog also got a cut the following day because his fur is thick. He had nothing. That same day I bathed my brown baby and she had a dead flea on her. I combed her throughly and saw nothing else.
Today (Friday) I found a dead one on the rug.
Ive been vacuuming everyday since I found the first flea. I’ve also been using a spray for the house and bedding and a carpet powder.
Should I be worried about fleas in the hardwood as well? Do I have the start of an infestation or did I catch it in time? I’ve been infested in a prior house I don’t want to go through the same thing

1 Answers
Adam Retzer Staff answered 5 years ago


The fleas may be in the hardwood floor. Larvae avoid light when they hatch, and will seek out dark refuges. They typically live in cracks, crevices, and other areas where debris collects on dark floors.

It sounds like you caught it relatively early, but maybe not early enough. If there were fleas and flea dirt on your dog, it means the fleas had a chance to feed for quite a while and likely lay eggs. If eggs fell in your home, it is only a matter of time before all your dogs are infested. Eggs become adults in 17-26 day. It may be wise to put your dogs on monthly treatments.

It may also be a good idea to place some flea traps in your home in order to monitor flea populations.

