Diatomaceous Earth vs Carpet Powder or Flea Spray

QuestionsCategory: Flea Control ProductsDiatomaceous Earth vs Carpet Powder or Flea Spray
Denise asked 6 years ago

 I purchased some Diatomaceous Earth and some Adams carpet powder. The active ingredients in the Adams carpet powder are Linalool, Piperonyl Butoxide, Pyrethrins and Nylar.  Should I use the DE or the Adams carpet powder or something completely different, like some type of carpet spray? 

1 Answers
Adam Retzer Staff answered 5 years ago

DE hasn’t been shown to be effective for completely controlling flea infestations. The Adams carpet powder has ingredients that are recommended for controlling infestations. The pyrethrins will kill emerged adults. But the most important ingredient is the Nylar, which is an insect growth regulator (IGR). The IGR will prevent eggs and larvae in the environment from reaching adulthood.

I am not sure how the powder compares to sprays, but sprays are typically the recommended control route.
