Did I bring fleas home?

QuestionsCategory: OtherDid I bring fleas home?
Danielle Cintella asked 6 years ago

My sister has 4 cats and her house and pets are infested with fleas. My son recently stayed the night after she claimed to have treated her home but when I picked him up the next morning I found a couple fleas on me before we left her house and again when I got in my car. I had to go straight to work after picking him up so I didnt have a chance to go home and change clothes first. Is it possible that my car is will now be infested, and that I also brought fleas home or am I just being paranoid from finding them on me earlier? I’ve washed/vacuumed everything we’ve worn/touched/sat since we’ve been home….

1 Answers
Adam Retzer Staff answered 5 years ago

You are probably in the clear.

The fleas won’t infest the car. If adult fleas fell off there that were hitchhiking on you or your son, they will die within around a week. Fleas need an animal host to feed, mate, and lay eggs on.

There is a slight chance the fleas could hitchhike on you and then infest an animal in your home (if you have pets). But if you went to work first, the chances are very slim that they stayed on you long enough.
