Do I have to treat rooms the cats do not go into

QuestionsCategory: OtherDo I have to treat rooms the cats do not go into
Liz asked 6 years ago

I am currently dealing with fleas right now.  Do I need to treat my bedroom if the cats never go into that room (as in, they are not allowed in there.)?  I have hardwood, but there is a lot of clothing all over the place, so I am curious: Do I need to wash all the clothing and the bed, etc.?

1 Answers
Adam Retzer Staff answered 5 years ago

You shouldn’t need to treat rooms where the cats never go. It may be a good idea to place a flea trap in those rooms though just in case, to serve as a detection tool and make sure there are no fleas there.

If the clothing is on the ground or bed, and the cats had access to them, then eggs may have fallen on them. You should wash them in that case. If the cats didn’t have access to lay or sit on them, then it shouldn’t be an issue.
