Dog flea vs bird mite

QuestionsCategory: Flea BiologyDog flea vs bird mite
Paula Torres asked 9 years ago

These two seem to mimick each other’s characteristics. How can we tell them apart by behaviors? Is there any relief other than constant cleaning?

1 Answers
Adam Retzer Staff answered 9 years ago

Hello. This is a good question.

I’m not too familiar with bird mites, so I did some quick research. It seems they’re too small to see without magnification. Also, they can bite anywhere on the human body. Sometimes large areas of skin are covered in a rash, because there are many bites. The primary host of these pests is birds, obviously. In domestic infestation, they often originate from poultry or bird nests near the house.

Fleas are large enough to be seen without magnification. They can only jump to the height of a human ankle, and they bite right away without much wandering. Thus, flea bites are usually concentrated around the feet and ankles. And the bites often occur in groups of 2 or 3. The primary host of fleas are dogs and cats.

Cleaning won’t end either of these infestations. The host needs to be treated or eliminated, so that the parasites can’t reproduce. However, vacuuming carpets will help eradicate a substantial portion of developing fleas (not all).

Was this helpful? If you have more specific questions, feel free to ask! This was a broad answer because my knowledge of bird mites is limited.


