Eggs still falling off cat

QuestionsCategory: Flea InfestationsEggs still falling off cat
Bob TAYLOR asked 6 years ago

My cats have been treated with Fipronil Frontline every 3 weeks for the last 3 months. (There were treated every 4-6 weeks prior to this) My home has been throughly treated with Indorex – I’ve binned or washed & indorexed cat beds etc washed human bedding on hot and vacuumed BUT there are STILL flea eggs dropping off my cats!  Is this normal? I’m in the UK.

1 Answers
Adam Retzer Staff answered 5 years ago

No, it is not normal to see flea eggs falling off your cats if they are treated with Frontline. The adult fleas shouldn’t be living long enough to mate and lay eggs. Are you sure what you are seeing are flea eggs? Are you continuing to see adult fleas in your home?
