First time Flea problem

QuestionsCategory: Flea InfestationsFirst time Flea problem
Kirsty McKeown asked 9 years ago

Hi there!

Your website is super informative and helpful, I wondered if you could help answer a couple of questions I am still struggling with?

I don’t own any pets and after a visiting a friend with a cat and the “end of” a flea problem, I recently found many bites and one flea in my house – within the last 3 days.

I treated my downstairs carpet in the hall, the rug in my living room (laminated) and sofas with flea powder. After many hours I hoovered as instructed and within an hour I had 3 new bites!

I treated my soft furnishings and carpets in my house (bar one room as I ran out of spray!!!) even my bed, which I know I’m not supposed to do, with flea spray and washed all my bedding (but don’t have a drier so everything is just drying out in the open as it’s raining here – so I’m worried about fleas on that!) and a lot of my clothes.

I was woken up at 3:30am by a bite whilst I was in bed! Then later, after I had showered found a flea on my foot, which I crushed and washed away.

Now have no idea what to do?!

I am putting more items on to wash and my Mum is going to help me dry them. But as far as the treatments are concerned I don’t know what to do next!

I’m scared to stay/sleep in my own home, worried about taking any fleas with me to work or to friends houses…

I know the fleas should die off as I don’t have any pets for them to feed off and then successfully reproduce, but I’m still worried!

Can you advise?

Thank you so much!

1 Answers
Adam Retzer Staff answered 9 years ago

Hi Kirsty! I’m glad you find the website useful.

This is a strange problem you have. Are you sure you’re dealing with fleas? From what you’ve described, it doesn’t sound like fleas could survive in your home. Are you able to take a picture of the pest?

One of the distinguishing characteristics for fleas is their laterally flattened body. Take a look at this image.

Fleas also don’t usually bite people in beds (unless an infested pet is sleeping there). Fleas can’t jump high enough to reach beds. The exception is if the sheets are hanging on the ground. Perhaps you’re being bitten by bed bugs?

It’s also rare for fleas to travel on humans. So, you transferring fleas from your friend’s home to your home isn’t too likely. However, it’s not impossible.

If you do have fleas, you’ve taken many of the proper steps to end an infestation. An important aspect to any flea control problem is to continue vacuuming regularly, at least every other day.

I’m sorry I can’t offer more advice, but this doesn’t sound like fleas to me. A picture of the pest would be useful.

Hope this helps.
