
QuestionsCategory: Flea Biologyflea-and-urban-wildife
Dan Hall DVM. asked 6 years ago

Hi Adam: I\’ve been a small animal veterinarian for over 40 yrs & must compliment you on this site. I have never seen a site with as much complete, accurate flea information in one place — way to go! I\’m curious – what is your background, training…  Quick question: What urban wildlife species can the cat flea l thrive / survive on? Thanks and best regards, Dan Hall DVM  

1 Answers
Adam Retzer Staff answered 6 years ago


Thanks for the compliments on the website. I have no formal background in the topic. I just scoured all the scientific journal articles I could get my hands on and educated myself. It’s been enjoyable discovering all about fleas.

The most common urban wildlife that carry fleas (C. felis) are feral cats and dogs, raccoons, opossums, coyotes, foxes, skunks, and bobcats.

Warm regards,

Daniel Hall replied 6 years ago

Good to know. Apparently not squirrels?

Adam Retzer Staff replied 6 years ago

Squirrels and other rodents have their own species of rodent fleas (the ones that can carry plague). These fleas species don’t typically bite dogs or cats. However, if a pet attacks a squirrel, or messes with a recently deceased carcass, fleas may jump onto the cat or dog and bite them.
