Flea Bite Scars

QuestionsCategory: OtherFlea Bite Scars
Jasmine asked 6 years ago

i just wanted to ask how can I get rid of my flea bite scars? I haven’t counted but I know that I have at least 100 flea bite scars from my feet to my upper thighs. Back when I had the flea bites I didn’t know that it would scar if I kept picking and scratching at the bites but now I’ve learnt my lesson. I can’t remember how long my bites have been scarred but it has definitely been almost a year. I’ve been using bio oils, insect bite creams and scar creams throughout this period of scarring but I haven’t seen too much of a difference and I want to know, are these scars going to stay forever? What can I do to help reduce the scars?
im really desperate please help me these scars have made me extremely insecure and is destroying my emotional health I haven’t worn shorts/skirts/etc for well over a year because of how insecure I am. I always wear pants when I go out and I can’t even go to the beach because I have flea bite scars on my feet. I showed a doctor some of my scars and he just told me to buy scar cream online 
thank you so much 

1 Answers
Adam Retzer Staff answered 5 years ago

Flea bites don’t usually scar, but picking and scratching the lesions can cause secondary infections and scarring, as you’ve discovered.

I don’t think there is anything that can be done that is specific to scars from flea bites. They will behave much like other scars, fading some over time.

Consulting with a dermatologist may be your best bet here, as they will be able to provide you with better information and remedies.


