Flea cocoons

Frances Wood asked 6 years ago

I have a bad flea infestation I have vacuumed every day for 5 weeks and now think I am winning. I seem to have got rid of the fleas yet every morning there are little yellow empty cases on the carpets. I am assuming they are empty. cocoon cases Have the newly emerged fleas gone back in the carpet. Since the infestation the dog has been quarantined in the porch so hes not dropping eggs etc.Is this a worrying sign that I have not got rid of the fleas.

1 Answers
Adam Retzer Staff answered 5 years ago


Flea cocoons are made of sticky silk-like fibers. They attract environmental debris when they are being built, and thus usually end up well camouflaged in the environment. Additionally, most should be deep within carpets, as that is where larvae live and spin cocoons (larvae avoid light).

I am not sure what the yellow casings are that you’re finding on the surface of the carpets. Are you able to get high quality up-close pictures, and then upload them to imgur.com?

Frances Wood replied 5 years ago

thank you for answering .I have not seen any for a week. I now wonder if it was house fly cocoons as we seem to have a lot of these as well.
