Flea problem after moving

QuestionsFlea problem after moving
Anonymous asked 9 years ago

I have had flea bites for more than 6 months at my old place, and I know  it is not my imagination because I caught them many times on my ankles and in flea traps. I vacuumed and treated the carpet many times but it did not work (although I did not vacuum as often as you suggest; I will now). A few days ago, I finally moved out of the house. I washed my clothes and threw away my old bedding. I did everything I can to try not to bring any fleas to my new apartment, but apparently they tagged along. How? Hiding in my shoes? I have two new bites in three days. I am a little in despair right now. I do not have any pets and my new place only has an area rug on hardwood floor, simple wood furniture, a leather couch, and a metal folding bed about a foot off the floor. What can I do to get rid of fleas for good? Please help. Thank you!

1 Answers
Adam Retzer Staff answered 9 years ago

Hello. Sorry to hear about your problem.

Fleas can hitchhike on human clothes, but it isn’t common. The fleas you’re currently seeing may be from the previous resident, who could have had a pet with fleas.

Wash the area rug. If it’s too large to wash, treat it with a
premise spray. Wood floors typically don’t have fleas living in them. However, cracks and crevices may support developing larvae, so spray these areas as well.

Also, continue with the vacuuming.

I hope this helps and that your problems end soon!

I find it strange that you believe I would think a flea problem was in your imagination. Do you suffer from hallucinations in other areas?
