Fleas and moving

QuestionsCategory: Flea InfestationsFleas and moving
renthead0505 asked 6 years ago

Hi! First of all, thank you so much for providing such useful information on your site. It’s the only thing that’s kept me sane these last few days. I’ve been searching all over the website and message boards but haven’t found the answer to my question as of yet.   my boyfriend and I have 2 cats and a one bedroom apartment. The cats had not been treated previously since they are strictly indoors but they ended up getting fleas. As soon as we started seeing them, we ran out and got revolution for them and the scratching stopped two days later.    Unfortunately, I got bitten up and I think I’m allergic to them. As a result, I couldn’t even sleep at home. We bombed the apartment, we cleaned the base boards, we wiped down every possibly surface area with bleach, water, and Lysol wipes to get rid of flea dust (or floop as my boyfriend and I now call it), we vacuumed everywhere and moved furniture to get behind tough to reach places, we used diatomaceous earth in hot spots, we washed all our clothing, bedding, and blankets that lived on the couch. We even bought vet’s best and I’ve been using it religiously.  Sadly, I’m still seeing the fleas. I’m having to wear socks and leggings and long sleeved shirts at home. We recently decided just to go ahead and move as the fleas are causing me too much pain. We have to be here another month though. Should we throw away our couch and bed? Our floors are linoleum throughout the apartment and the only fabric we have now comes from out clothing and those to pieces of furniture. Is there anything else we can do to rid ourselves of these pests and live peacefully the next couple of weeks?? Psychologically I’m goong a little batty. I’m ready to leave everything behind and start new I’m our new apartment. I’m so scared of taking the fleas with us!   Thanks in advance for your help ?

renthead0505 replied 6 years ago

I just noticed all my typos! Should have proof read my post. Sorry.

To clarify, we washed the blankets that live on the couch as well as everything on our bed as well.

1 Answers
Adam Retzer Staff answered 6 years ago


Sorry to hear about your flea problem.

You shouldn’t need to throw away your couch and bed. Fleas won’t be on these items unless the cats often rested there. And even then, fleas don’t infest these types of items. However, eggs may have fallen off the cats and onto the surfaces of these items, where they began developing. Laundering the bedding will kill any potential fleas on the bed. The couch may be a little more difficult to sanitize. Removing the cushions, and vacuuming the crevices and folds in the fabric should go a long way to remove any of the fleas. Steam cleaning is another option for the couch.

Before you move, it may be a good idea to spray your new home with an insect growth regulator (IGR), either pyriproxyfen (Nylar) or methoprene (Precor). Martin’s IGR is a good size for indoor use. Most premise sprays also contains an IGR. It will remain active for 7 months, preventing any new eggs from developing. So, even if you somehow brought fleas with you to your new place, they wouldn’t be able to get a foothold.

You probably won’t be able to get rid of fleas in a few weeks. It usually takes at least 8 weeks. However, insect repellent will help keep the fleas off of you. And vacuuming regularly can help remove the adult fleas before they have a chance to bite.

I apologize for the delayed response.

Warm regards,
