Fleas are driving me insane

QuestionsCategory: Flea InfestationsFleas are driving me insane
OwlProwl0 asked 7 years ago

Hey! I’m not sure how long these little buggers have been around, but I think they originated when I brought in a stray cat about a month or so ago into my small, unfinished apartment. But I’ve spent upwards of $200 dollars, with sprays, carpet dust, floggers, collars, shampoo, the works. I’ve even gotten rid of the cat I owned. I’ve been vaccuming daily, mopping, cleaning every crevice, just doing everything I can, and they still hop around, eating me alive. This whole ordeal is driving me insane and I can’t move. They’re mainly around at night but you can spot 20+ on the hardwood floors during the day. I only have hardwood flooring except for carpeting under a table in one room and under my bed in another. I’ve seen them in both rooms. What else can I do?? I’m running out of options!

1 Answers
Adam Retzer Staff answered 7 years ago


Sorry to hear about your flea problem. Without a pet in the home, vacuuming often and using an insect growth regulator (IGR) are two of the best control methods.

Please see our page on the importance of vacuuming regularly.

Have you treated the infested areas with an insect growth regulator (IGR) spray? The IGR ingredient (pyriproxyfen or methoprene) is the most important part. Exposed eggs and larvae won’t be able to become adults.

Even with proper control methods in place, or with the host removed, it will around 8 weeks to end and infestation. All of the eggs, larvae, and pupae in the environment need to mature, emerge as adults, and then die.

I hope this helps.
