Fleas, but no flea dirt

QuestionsCategory: Flea InfestationsFleas, but no flea dirt
Nibbler asked 6 years ago

About a month ago I found fleas on my two indoor cats. Since then they’ve had two doses of Revolution and two doses of Capstar. I’m vacuuming daily, flea combing, using house spray, and had our pest control company come out and spray. The people in the house are not being bit.
Interestingly, for the past few days I’m not finding flea dirt when I use the comb. The fleas I get are small and usually not moving well (or are dead).
Is it possible we are approaching the end of the infestation? No dirt means no feeding, which means no new eggs, right?

1 Answers
Best Answer
Adam Retzer Staff answered 6 years ago


It sounds like you were nearing the end of the infestation. I hope it is over now. I regret not being able to respond sooner.

Yes, no flea dirt means little to no feeding, and thus no mating or laying eggs.

If you were still finding small adults, it means they were newly emerged. So, that means there were still immature stages in the home somewhere. It’s important to know that 95-99% of infestations are immature stages living in the environment. So you may continue seeing fleas here or there for a while as they mature into adults.

Warm regards,


