Fleas in clothes

QuestionsCategory: Flea InfestationsFleas in clothes
JoAnn asked 8 years ago

I am having a time preventing fleas from getting in my clothes.  I leave out of the house with clean clothes on and I sprayed my car the night before.  When I am in route to work, they have already found a way to transfer to my clothes.  What I don’t understand when they begin to jump on me when I am driving.  I find this shiny residue on my clothes and on my face like I have put glitter on me.  It wasn’t there after I applied my makeup this morning but it was all over my lips and my face by the time I drove home.  I immediately have to remove those clothes and put them in water. I am constantly spraying my car put they just don’t die.  My question is have you ever heard of this shiny residue that gets on me everywhere???

1 Answers
Adam Retzer Staff answered 8 years ago


I have never heard of anything like this before. This doesn’t sound like fleas. Cat fleas don’t typically live on clothes (unless they are laying on the floor). It’s also strange the pests are in your car, as they would have needed an initial host to be there. And the shiny residue definitely doesn’t sound like fleas.

It’s possible that you’re dealing with human fleas (P irritans). Unfortunately, I am not all that familiar with this species, as it is somewhat rare.

It would be helpful if you could get pictures of the pests and relates symptoms. Then a postive identification could be made by me or someone else. The what’s this bug subreddit is handy for identifying insects.

Sorry I couldn’t help more.

JoAnn Scott replied 8 years ago

Thanks for your answer.
It has been a big puzzle. I have sprayed and sprayed and never heard of bugs that don’t die on contact. I need to have someone come in and let me know what has infested our home. Most of my clothes are in storage bags to keep them protected until I am ready to wear them.
I live in a state that get’s cold in the winter so I have hope that when the temperature drops that will resolve my car problem.
This morning it was cool enough in the house to turn on the heat. When the house starting heating up, then I felt the swarm of the shiny residue hitting my face. Feels like a lot of small needle sticks like they are transforming into something else.
I will try to get some pictures. How should I post them? If I take them with my cell, is there a way to post on facebook?

Adam Retzer Staff replied 8 years ago

A good free image hosting site is imgur.com
