
QuestionsCategory: Flea Infestationsfleas-in-home-with-baby
Amber asked 8 years ago

I noticed about 4 weeks ago that we have fleas in our bedroom. I flea combed my cats but only found dirt (not flea dirt on one). I still treated them with Advantage II and have checked them once again with none found. We have had Orkin treat the home in particular the upstairs where it is carpeted (the rest of the home is laminate). I have not seen any downstairs and the cats aren\’t scratching anymore. With the Advantage and treatment of the home with Alpine dust and PT 565+XLO contact insecticide and vacuuming daily the residual fleas I\’m seeing are just new hatches from the eggs that were dropped prior to treatment of my cats and home right? Fleas are a phobia of mine and I want my baby to be able to practice his motor skills on the floor. I have seen just one flea a night after vacuuming. Am I on the downhill slide? Any recommendations?  Thanks

1 Answers
Adam Retzer Staff answered 8 years ago


It sounds like you’ve taken all the correct steps. You should definitely be on the downhill side. Just continue the vacuuming routine. And launder any rugs and pet bedding weekly. Ensure you continue the monthly doses of Advantage II for recommended duration on the packaging.

Yes, the fleas you’re seeing are the ones which began as eggs and are emerging from carpets. After cats are treated, it usually takes around 8 weeks for the fleas to be completely eradicated. Until then, you’ll likely see a few fleas around, with diminishing numbers as time goes on.

Once the cats are treated, no new eggs will be laid. The existing eggs should all reach adulthood in 17 to 26 days. The adults will jump onto the treated cats and die. The problem stage is the pre-emerged adult. After pupating, adults can stay within their cocoons in a quiescent state (dormant-like) for up to 5 months while they wait to detect a host. Vacuuming simulates host cues (pressure and heat) and forces the adults to emerge.

You’re almost through this! You’ll be flea-free soon.

Warm regards,
