Fleas in house

QuestionsCategory: Flea InfestationsFleas in house
T. N asked 8 years ago

I\’ve treated my pet – my house- washed bedding and dogs bedding – – should I wash the clothes hanging in my closets ? And do I need to throw out my mattresses  Also had my drapes washed and sofas cleaned –   

1 Answers
Adam Retzer Staff answered 8 years ago

Hello T.N.,

You don’t need to wash your clothes or throw out your mattresses.

Adult fleas don’t leave their host once it’s acquired. The eggs are laid on the animal, but are non-sticky, so they fall off within a few hours. The eggs drop into the environment anywhere the animal has access to. Most will be concentrated in rooms and areas where the pet sleeps/rests.

There will be no fleas living on your clothes, unless the clothes are laying on the floor and the dog sleeps on them.

There shouldn’t be any fleas in your bed, unless the dog sleeps there. If your dog did sleep there, washing the bedding will be sufficient in killing any fleas. Most fleas develop in carpeting, and upon emerging will look for a host. They can only jump to the height of a human ankle, so ensure the bedding doesn’t hang down to the floor.

As far as regular cleaning, the best thing to do is vacuum around every other day. And laundering pet bedding and rugs weekly is a good idea. Try to prevent your dog from getting onto furniture (sofas and beds) and it will limit the amount of the cleaning you need to do.

Warm regards,

T.Nakis replied 8 years ago

THANK -YOU – so much for clearing up any confusion- so many sites say you have to wash every artical in your house – is there cabinet cleaning to continue or anything else I may have missed to eliminate these things –

FYI – thank you so much for working for this site

Also – what do I need to do to not make holiday relatives worried about coming over – -and when will these things die out – one dog on topical contr-

Luv this site

Adam Retzer Staff replied 8 years ago

Cabinet cleaning shouldn’t be necessary. Fleas wouldn’t be able to get in this kind of location (again, unless the dog was there). However, if you used an insecticide spray in the home, it may be a good idea to cleanse any counter-tops and other food preparation areas to remove any residual insecticide that may have fallen there.

Once proper treatment is in place, it usually takes around 8 weeks for fleas to be completely eliminated in the home. The numbers will diminish as times goes on. The best way to speed up the process is to vacuum regularly.

Nearly all the developing fleas are in the carpets. After they mature, they will emerge from their cocoons to jump onto a host. It may be a good idea to have your relatives tuck their pant legs into their socks when they come over. This will prevent bites, as fleas can’t bite through most clothing types. You may also want to be extra vigilant about vacuuming on the days they are visiting.
