Fleas in house

QuestionsCategory: Flea InfestationsFleas in house
N.T asked 8 years ago

It has been one month after extermination for fleas in my house. I am vacuuming every other day – steamed my curtains and couches – when can I go back to my normal cleaning routine – once a week and put my bedding back in closets

Thankful for this site !

1 Answers
Adam Retzer Staff answered 8 years ago

Hello N.T.

After proper treatment, it usually takes around 8 weeks before the fleas are completely gone from the premises. If you aren’t seeing many fleas, you can probably dial back the cleaning routine. Still keep vacuuming more than normal though, at least a few times a week (for the full 8 weeks). It should be fine to put your bedding back into the closets, as fleas wouldn’t be on these items unless an infested pet was sleeping on them.

A good way to assess flea populations and to determine when the infestation is completely over is to a use a flea trap. Alternatively, you can wear white socks and slowly walk around the carpets to entice fleas to emerge and jump onto you. Then you can count the fleas and assess the infestation.

Warm regards,
