fleas in house and cats after treatment

QuestionsCategory: Flea Infestationsfleas in house and cats after treatment
hopeless in pittsburgh pa asked 6 years ago

Hello, I’m going to try and provide as much detail as possible so please bear with me – I apologize if this gets long winded.
My husband and I rent a 3 BR house. We have a 2 yr old son and I am 28 weeks pregnant. Our house is two stories, with an unfinished basement, and is carpeted everywhere except the bathroom and kitchen. This means completely carpeted stairs, walkways between rooms, etc. We have two indoor only cats who have never been on a flea preventative (wow, what foolishness on my part).
Last month we did a lot of gardening and I think this is how fleas inevitably found their way inside the house. We found a few on one cat, and then I started noticing them quite literally everywhere. Hopping on us, hopping in our bed (disgusting) and even ones that seemed dead or dying on the tables where cats like to sit and look out the window. The first time we noticed a flea on the cat was probably around the 17th or 18th, and after that we purchased Advantage II for the cats. I applied this to them and by the weekend hadn’t noticed a change (I spotted several large fleas on my cat days after treating) and I was literally catching fleas in our bed in addition to being bit myself.
After this I did more research, retreated the cats after about a week and we got serious about treating the house. I put salt all throughout all the carpets since we had that on hand. Tossed some old upholstered furniture we were planning to replace eventually and got rid of some other clutter as well. Sprayed around with the Adams flea and tick spray, especially our mattress. Did so much laundry our water bill will likely be hundreds next month.
I know everyone says to vacuum until you throw up, and we are probably not as diligent as everyone recommends. It’s near impossible to vacuum our entire home every single day, let alone 2 times a day, since we work opposite schedules and have no one to watch our son. I work 1130-8 every day and being so pregnant there is only so much I can do safely.
We used an advantage flea bomb in the basement, and put DE around down there as well but it’s extremely moist in the basement and we get water down there every time it rains – and it has been raining almost every day this summer. We put down flea busters on June 25th but ran out of the powder so used DE as well. Waited a few days, vacuumed, reapplied DE all over the house and then vacuumed again. I started setting out soapy traps in our bedroom and the living room. Some mornings I would find nothing, other days we’d have 7 or more.
On July 1st, we sprayed all the carpets with Precor IGR concentrate and treated the yard with Wondercide. My traps were finding less fleas. I vacuumed all weekend and kept finding many VERY LIVELY looking adult fleas hopping around in the canister, happily and INFURIATINGLY crawling and climbing and hopping through the powders we spent FOREVER applying (yes vacuum dirt is being taken right outside). Every morning I have had 3 or more large fleas in the traps. And today, I noticed a cloth that my cat slept on last night was covered in flea dirt and even found a flea crawling along on the cloth (it was not hopping but again, definitely a disgusting flea). I just put the advantage drops on both cats last weekend. While the flea itself seemed like it was dying, the flea dirt concerns me.
Doesn’t this mean the fleas are reproducing? Does this mean the treatment was ineffective or perhaps applied incorrectly? The cat I saw them on in particular is not one for baths or combing, and she is a black cat, so it’s hard to get a good look at her fur.
Also, I just got 3 cans of the aerosol alpine pt in the mail today, but since I saw another flea on my cat along with the dirt underneath her, I’m wondering if it’s even worth it to spray or if I should wait until she’s treated again. I feel so hopeless and alone and I want this problem as solved as possible before my baby is born (who will be coming by c section). I plan on calling a local vet for advice tonight as well. I am drained and just beyond overwhelmed and looking for any advice at all. Especially any advice on how to feel like a normal person not on the verge of a nervous breakdown would be great. 
Thanks in advance…

1 Answers
Best Answer
Adam Retzer Staff answered 6 years ago


Firstly, I apologize for the long delay in responding. I hope your problem has resolved by now.

Seeing fleas and flea dirt doesn’t necessarily mean that treatments aren’t working and that fleas are reproducing. The flea dirt means they are feeding, but they should succumb to the insecticide before they have a chance to mate and lay eggs. Insecticides sometimes take around 24 hours to kill fleas.

It’s normal to continue seeing fleas for around 8 weeks, even after all proper treatment is in place. 95-99% of the infestation consists of eggs, larvae, and pupae. These stages are often hidden in protected micro-habitats in the environment. Control efforts won’t reach them all. Patience is required while they mature, emerge as adults, and die. However, with all the proper treatment in place, it should be the last generation. It shouldn’t be possible for new eggs to be laid and survive with the measures you’ve taken.

Please see our page on How to get rid of fleas for more comprehensive control information.

Warm regards,
