fleas without pets?

QuestionsCategory: Flea Infestationsfleas without pets?
Tedavi asked 6 years ago

Hey there, I’m going absolutely insane in my current home. We’ve dealt with a number of pests in the last year and any advice would be wonderful. I’ve never experiences flea issues my whole life until moving into this house I currently resided in Oakland, CA (and I grew up with dogs— no issues!). I made the mistake of walking out to my garden in my mulch filled yard wearing slippers when we first moved in. Stupid, I know. I later discovered our yard was (and is) the hang out zone for all the neighborhood stray cats (our crazy next door neighbor leaves TONS of food outside for them daily) and is frequented by raccoons. Anyway, vacuumed, mopped, threw out my slippers, it was handled. A year later, we dog sat twice, each time (despite that his owner said his dog had taken his flea meds) we found fleas on the dog who was sleeping on our couch for a few nights. Each time after the dog left I deep cleaned. Washed all our bedding, blankets, couch covers, steamed part of the couch that can’t be washed. I mopped wood floors and tile, vacuumed the carpets and rugs. The dog hasn’t been back since either. Everything felt totally handled, no signs of fleas for a little over a  week (that’s when the dog left).   This morning I noticed a super itchy flea bite on my ankle as I step into the shower; then looked at the shower curtain and found it struggling / maybe dying from the moisture! I caught it (it was indeed a flea, 100% sure) and prob the one that just bit me. I flushed it down the toilet. I feel so helpless and defeated. Did I not get rid of them the last time? Is this maybe a stray from the yard? How in the world did it get into my tile floor bathroom?! Do I need to deep clean and de-flea again? Should I be vacuuming daily? If they’re on my floor will they spread to my bed and clothes? I have no pets and don’t think I’ll ever dog sit again… Also I’m really really not into chemicals and would like to avoid them if possible. I use a natural, apple cider vinegar based flea spray with essential oils when I need to go outside (but I often forget).   Thoughts and advice appreciated! Thank you so much!
