Going crazy!

Annabel asked 7 years ago

noticed fleas in the carpet about 3 weeks ago I fogged my apartment the next day, still found a couple of fleas so I fogged again with a different gogger the next day but I still find fleas the dog had not been in apartment for 2 weeks now I stopped noticing them on my swifter in the living room for a couple of days but I still find a couple here and there in our carpet witch I treated with borax for about 5 days that was about 2 weeks ago but I have found over the 2 weeks a couple here and there in the vacuum, I had the carpet cleaned yesterday and waited to vacuum until today and I found 1 flea in the vacuum so I am running out of ideas to do is there anything Else I should be doing? Is 1 a good sign that they are gone? Or almost gone?

1 Answers
Adam Retzer Staff answered 7 years ago


Please see our page on How to Get Rid of Fleas.

Environmental treatments won’t kill 100% of immature stages, because larvae see out dark, protected habitats. They often crawl deep within carpets or cracks in hardwood. Sprays and other treatments can’t easily penetrate to where they live, so many won’t be affected. As a result, it will take some patience while waiting for all of the immature stages to mature, emerge, and then die. This can take up 5-6 months, because cocooned adults can enter quiescent (dormant-like) state for up to 5 months.

Foggers generally aren’t the best control measure to employ, because they can’t be directed into flea hot-spots. Read more about foggers here.

It will be very difficult to get rid of fleas without treating your dog. Adult fleas live permanently on their host. They feed, mate, and lay eggs on the animal. If your untreated dog re-enters your apartment, and even a couple of fleas are still there, then they will jump onto the dog and continue the infestation by mating and laying eggs within 48 hours.

Again, please see the page linked above for comprehensive control information. If you have further questions after reading that page, please feel free to ask more questions here.

I hope this was helpful.

Warm regards,
