Unfortunately my indoor-only cat got fleas the first weekend in November 2016…either from me mowing or from bird poop in the window as I was trying to clean it up. That would have been on Sunday, so then on Friday I saw few Critters, and one of them jumped. I finally figured out I had fleas that Friday!! Potentially a 5 days of feedong on her. House was tackled with stuff in the carpet, vacuuming, spraying, & treated her with Advantix from Walmart. I visited your site and learned a lot (I wish I would have known everything before).
I ended up getting Bravecto from the vet for December, which was the 3-month treatment. After some more research, we are now using Advantix Gold monthly. But…we’re still seeing fleas!! I have off white carpet but I can’t see them. In the meantime of all this, I purchased from Victor 3 flea traps which have been continuously used since they arrived and today, I am still catching several fleas in those traps! Even in my unfinished basement! I’m finding them on the window sills now too and she’s occasionally still running like she’s being bit. I’ve continued to wash laundry frequently in hot water vacuum frequently, & I sprayed from the vet with an IGR in it the last six months I’ve now sprayed that twice. And I am spraying my yard and exterior of my house. This month I had to change the traps after 6 days because they were already covered in little black fleas!
I can’t believe that I’m still dealing with this since November! I feel absolutely horrible for her having to deal with them as well. It is so stressfull. I rescued her from a shelter so bathing her is out of the picture, unfortunately. Since all of this has happened, I don’t want to go outside, I don’t want to go in people’s yards, I’m afraid to touch other pets in case they have fleas. These are horrible!!
Any other tips or suggestions?? How much longer do you think I will have them? Am I doing something wrong? Or simply those 5 days has left me with a big mess to deal with?
Thank you for your website, information, and guideance!
~Amanda & Gizmo
It’s unusual that you’re dealing with fleas after 8 months. From what you’ve described, you’ve employed all the correct procedures. But it sounds like something went wrong. Was there a lapse in monthly pet treatments? Does the spray you’re using on the environment contain an insect growth regulator (pyriproxyfen or methoprene)? Perhaps a new infestation started once the weather warmed up again?
It’s hard to say exactly what’s going on from my vantage point. It may be a good idea to see your vet again, and contact a local exterminator to take a look in person. Ensure you describe the full details of your situation.
Sorry I can’t offer more help. Your situation sounds unusual and probably needs a professional to take a look in person.