House with no pets

QuestionsCategory: Flea InfestationsHouse with no pets
DONNA M. ECKARDT asked 6 years ago

Hi, Adam.  I have no pets.  I visited a relative with many pets over 2 weeks ago.  There are fleas now in my living room (caught 2, positively ID with a biology friend), and now my bedroom upstairs.  Total fleas caught about 10, including 3 or 4 in a flea trap.  How did I get them in both places??  Could my clothes have been that covered in fleas (that I didn’t see at the time?)  Did a FEW fleas already lay eggs and now I have more?  Trying to figure out my timeline.  
  Many bites, mostly ankles, but I keep feeling them jump.  That may be paranoia .  Vacuuming often, and giving up and having them flea bomb.  Thank you.

1 Answers
Adam Retzer Staff answered 6 years ago


Try to see if you can identify the species. Human fleas (P. irritans) is the only species that can survive and produce on human blood. See this page.

It’s possible that mice or rats are living somewhere in your home and have rodent fleas. I’ve also heard that bird fleas can get into homes if a nest is near a door or window. Or perhaps an infested raccoon or opossum is living near your home (e.g. under porch) and fleas are finding their way inside?

It’s unlikely that you brought fleas from your relative’s home and they survived. Cat fleas (C. felis) account for nearly all domestic infestations on cats and dogs. This species wouldn’t be able to get a foothold in your home if you don’t have pets there.

Regardless of species, the problem should resolve now that you’ve bombed, as long as an insect growth regulator (IGR) ingredient was used, either pyriproxyfen or methoprene.

I hope this helps!

