How does a male flea for example find his partner ( the female flea ) in this wide universe ?

QuestionsCategory: Flea BiologyHow does a male flea for example find his partner ( the female flea ) in this wide universe ?
Shaheer Talaat Badie asked 9 years ago

How does a male flea for example find his partner ( the female flea ) in this wide universe ?

1 Answers
Adam Retzer Staff answered 9 years ago

Flea eggs accumulate and survive in specific areas. After hatching from eggs, developing as larvae, and pupating, the adult fleas acquire a nearby suitable host. Once on the host, the male and females will be together. They then mate. Typically, only a few host animals will be within range of where the fleas developed, so the adult fleas end up on the same animal(s).

shaheer Talaat Badie replied 9 years ago

Even if they are on the same animal, how do they find each other ?
What is the probability of fleas of different gender to be on the same animal ?

Adam Retzer Staff replied 9 years ago

Each female flea lays around 30 eggs a day. The eggs fall in areas where pets commonly rest. Thus, many fleas develop in areas where the host frequents. Upon maturing, the fleas jump onto the host. So, there will be many fleas, of both genders, on the host.

Once on the host, fleas have preferred feeding sites, such as on the animal’s neck or dorsal area. Thus, many fleas will be found within close proximity. Further, fleas are well adapted for running swiftly through host hair. So, reaching a mate isn’t difficult.

Male fleas can locate females through hormone receptors on their antennae.

shaheer Talaat Badie replied 9 years ago

Thank you very much
