How fast can fleas spread?

QuestionsCategory: Flea InfestationsHow fast can fleas spread?
Shai asked 8 years ago

We got a cat yesterday that we thought was clean. We brought her into two different bedrooms but that’s it. Once we found a flea we brought her to a bathroom and have kept her in there. We have combed her and put the fleas in a dish soap/water combination, we have taken all bedding and clothing that she has had contact with and put them in plastic bags(currently in process of washing all of it), vacuumed both spaces plus hallway between, sprayed the carpet with a flea killing spray, put a flea collar on her, and put a copy on treatment.
I’m worried that we aren’t doing enough and that they will come back. We are planning on keeping the kitty in the bathroom until we can’t find anymore eggs or fleas on her.  She was only in the spaces for 3 hours tops so wondering if that’s long enough to create a full infestation.

1 Answers
Adam Retzer Staff answered 8 years ago


It sounds like you’re taking all the correct procedures. It’s good that you detected the fleas early, before the eggs had a chance to accumulate in the environment.

I’ve actually just today completed a page on How quickly fleas spread. Take a look.

Warm regards,
