How long will it take for all fleas to die after treating my home and cat?

QuestionsCategory: Flea InfestationsHow long will it take for all fleas to die after treating my home and cat?
stive778 asked 7 years ago

How long will it take for all fleas to die after treating my home and cat?

1 Answers
Adam Retzer Staff answered 6 years ago

Most infestations resolve in around 8 weeks after proper treatment or host removal. In severe infestations, it may take a bit longer.

95-99% of infestations are eggs, larvae, and pupae living in the environment. They reside in protected micro-habitats where insecticide treatments and vacuums can penetrate well. So patience is required while waiting for the current generation of young stages to become adults and die. However, after proper treatment, there shouldn’t be a new generation of fleas.


