I think I got fleas from work…

QuestionsCategory: Flea InfestationsI think I got fleas from work…
Jazzy asked 6 years ago

There have been reports of flea bites (and a few sightings of them) at my office of about 100 people. I had some bites but assumed mosquito bites. A few weeks later, this past week I saw a few at home! I’m doing lots of abatement efforts at home now, but my fear is that I carried a flea or eggs home from work somehow and it will happen again since the office isn’t taking the problem seriously. They’re just doing occasional vacuuming because they’re not catching the fleas in their light trap (office is staffed with lights on 24/7). I just got bit through my thin pants there again today. I’m washing everything right when I get home and spraying my shoes, but that’s not sustainable. How likely am I to recontaminate myself? No one else has had them at home yet and btw I have no pets. If I use a product with long term results, will it keep killing off any new stowaways? Thank you in advance. 

1 Answers
Adam Retzer Staff answered 6 years ago


First of all, you may not even be dealing with fleas if they’ve never been found. Many blood-sucking insects result in similar bite lesions.

It’s unlikely you brought fleas home with you. Adult flea can sometimes hitchhike on clothes. However, eggs are generally transferred this way. With no pets in your home, the fleas won’t be able to get a foothold, even if you brought them home.

You may want to consider using an insect repellent on your legs while at work.

If you are worried about bringing fleas home, try spraying an insect growth regulator in your home. It will prevent eggs and larvae from becoming adults. And they will last 7 months indoors. Martin’s IGR is a good choice.

