Is it dandruff, flea cocoon, or tapeworm egg?

QuestionsCategory: OtherIs it dandruff, flea cocoon, or tapeworm egg?
katsu asked 9 years ago

Hello I’m Katsu, i have a Turkish Angora cat. he almost reach 3 months old, last night i found something white (very very tiny) crawling on his fur coat. i keep searching for information about the tiny white things on the internet but i found nothing. please help T…T it looks like dandruff, there is thousands of it…covering his entire fur coat and face. i was so so curious, if it’s a dandruff…why it’s moving??? does cat dandruff alive? or it’s a flea cocoon or tapeworm egg? please please help

2 Answers
Adam Retzer Staff answered 9 years ago

Hello Katsu,

I’m not sure what you’re seeing. Perhaps they’re some kind of louse?

If they’re thousands of them, then they’re definitely not flea eggs or larvae or cocoons. In addition, larvae and cocoons aren’t found on cats. And if they’re moving, they aren’t eggs.

Tapeworms are internal parasites, so their eggs wouldn’t be on fur. And the eggs are microscopic.

Dandruff isn’t alive and wouldn’t be moving. If it wasn’t for the moving characteristic, I would’ve thought it was dandruff.

Sorry I couldn’t offer more insight. You have me stumped.


Jill answered 6 years ago

I have a foster kitten who has microscopic cacoons stuck all over her fur.  Even the vet has no idea what they are.  They can be seen by the human eye, and they look, from a distance like white specks of paint, but under the microscope, are visible cacoons attached to individual hairs all over!  I have had her for about a month now and they have not changed, so in guessing they\\\’re not going to hatch.  I would just like to know what they are. There\\\’s nothing moving. 
