kill FLEES with 95degree weather in side HOUSE???

QuestionsCategory: Flea Infestationskill FLEES with 95degree weather in side HOUSE???
pat Perkins asked 9 years ago

Will fleas die inside a house heated to 95 degrees?

1 Answers
Adam Retzer Staff answered 9 years ago

Hey Pat, good question.

It’s true that immature fleas will die above this temperature. However, there are a few factors to consider that will make this a poor method of eradication.

Firstly, the temperature in the home would have to continually be above 95°F for multiple days.

Secondly, immature fleas develop in protected microhabitats that have their own microclimates. So they aren’t drastically affected by the overall climate. In homes, pre-adult fleas primarily live in carpets. Along with being in a protected micro-climate, the temperature will be cooler in the carpets because heat rises.

Lastly, this method will only kill immature fleas (eggs, larvae, pupae). Adult fleas live on pets. So, as soon as the infested pet is reintroduced into the home, they will begin shedding flea eggs again. The problem will start all over.

Hope this helps!


Pat PERKINS replied 9 years ago

What if air turned off 3days,pets,come back but are all ready treatmen with fleedrops.after 95degrees days is it safe to let my two house dogs go out just to potty,haven’t let them go out in four days,thinking that flees won’t jump back on pets NEVER had FLEES BEFORE,but last winter didn’t get cold enough in Dallas TEXAS,TO KILL THEM.LAST YEAR DIDN’T HAVE ANY FLEES.6WEEKS AGO TOOK MY 16YEAR OLD DOG TO VET,WAS A THREE Hour wait,put my dog on a small piece of grass TO pee not realizing that is where all other pets have been going,it must have been flee INFESTED,no where else for pets to baby was very sick so l WASN’T thinking about flees!!TREATMENT SATURDAY WITH FRONTLINE.STAYING IN KITCHEN ONLY.MOPPED &VACUUM EVERY DAY.BUT THEY SLEEP WITH ME,SO THEY ARE NOT HAPPY!!!IF I LET THEM JUST SLEEP IN THE BED,CAN THE FLEES GET BACK ON THEM.AND NOT LET THEM ON BEDROOM CARPET???CAN FLEES JUMP ON TO BED.GOING CRAZY OVER HERE.PLEASE HELP.?

Adam Retzer Staff replied 9 years ago

If you’re treating them with flea drops, such as Advantage or Frontline, then there’s no need for you to keep your house so hot. The flea drops alone will end the infestation. Though, keep in mind, it will take up 8 weeks to completely eradicate them, and sometimes longer.

The drop treatments will kill adult fleas currently on your pets. And, when new fleas jump on your pets, it will sterilize and kill them before they have a chance to reproduce.

Just make sure to follow the directions on the label, and continue the treatments for the recommended duration.

To help speed up the eradication process, it’s important to vacuum carpeted rooms where pets frequently spend time. Vacuum at least every other day. This will help eliminate the eggs, larvae, pupae, and emerging adults.

You could also purchase a premise spray with an insect growth regulator (IGR). Look for one of these two ingredients: pyriproxyfen (Nylar) or methoprene (Precor).

IGRs mimic natural insect hormones and prevent immature fleas from developing into adults. By spraying your carpets, you can eliminate more life stages and eradicate the fleas quicker.

Fleas can’t jump high enough to get in the bed. However, adult fleas live on pets. So if your pets are sleeping in your pet, then eggs are falling there. It wouldn’t be surprising to find eggs and larvae on the bed, as well as adult fleas. It’s a good idea not to let them on your bed while they are infested.

Pat Perkins replied 9 years ago

They don’t have any FLEES on them.Im check them every day a using a flee comb .check them before put them on 16year old is happy on the bed since she has been sleeping there since a 6month old puppy.she isn’t happy and having anxiety,she is very confused.NOW THAT IT’S BEEN 95AND 98TODAY,100THIS WEEKEND.CAN I TAKE HER OUT JUST TO POTTY??

Adam Retzer Staff replied 9 years ago

I don’t understand the question. Of course you can take your dog outside to use the restroom.
