more accurate dosage for frontline+

QuestionsCategory: Flea Control Productsmore accurate dosage for frontline+
KEITH TRACY PIERCE asked 6 years ago

Frontline+ comes in 4 dose sizes:
for dogs 5-22 lb (orange),
for dogs 23-44 lb (blue),
for dogs 45-88 lb (purple),
for dogs 89-132lb (green).  this dose is labelled “0.135 oz” (= 4ml).  I assume the others are varied by both concentration and volume, but no matter.  
If my dog weighs 22.5lb, should he get the dose for 5-22lb or the 23-44lb dose?
If my dog weighs 44.5lb, should he get the dose for 23-44lb or the 45-88lb dose?
If my dog weighs 88.5lb, should he get the dose for 45-88lb or the 89-132lb dose?
and if my dog weighs 160lb, should he get green plus blue?    
more realistically, can you extrapolate to find the perfect dose for a 33.5lb dog?
not trying to save money, trying to keep my dog forever.  I bought the big (green) doses, but my dog really weighs 88.5lb so i’m not playing; don’t want to OD my dog!

1 Answers
Adam Retzer Staff answered 6 years ago


This is a good question. On the surface, it may seem like either product is acceptable when the dog’s weight is on the fence. However, there’s likely a better choice between potential under-dosing and potential over-dosing. Unfortunately, I am not qualified to answer this. It would be best to consult your dog’s veterinarian for questions related to potential over-dosing, as your dog’s health is very important.

I apologize I can’t offer more help.

Warm regards,

TRACY PIERCE replied 6 years ago

thanks for allowing my question. I guess it’s still “up to my vet” but for those also curious here’s a little more I’ve learned since asking the question:

The four different “Frontline+ for dogs” products really are simply different amounts of the same concentration of drugs vs inert ingredients, thus they’re directly comparable. Packaging shows doses to be:

5-22lb dogs get 2/3ml, which is 1.20ml/lb for 5lb, 0.27ml/lb for 22lb.
23-44lb dogs get 4/3ml, 0.51ml/lb for 23lb, 0.27ml/lb for 44lb.
45-88lb dogs get 8/3ml, 0.51ml/lb for 45lb, 0.27ml/lb for 88lb.
89-132lb dogs get 12/3ml, 0.40ml/lb for 89lb, 0.18ml/lb for 132lb dog.

too much info? boil a little more: your 5lb dog gets SIX TIMES the dose called for a 132lb dog.

do you (rhetorical you;-) think your vet knows this? for my 88.5 lb dog I’m going with the lower dose for now and will watch for good effect.
