Moved into a flea infested apartment, but i have no pets

QuestionsMoved into a flea infested apartment, but i have no pets
HOLLY N MILLIKEN asked 6 years ago

Hello! So about 3 no this ago I moved into my first apartment and, long story short, found out very quickly that I had fleas. I had the complex come and have an exterminator treat the inside of my apartment, and that seemed to help a lot, but should I have them treat my apartment again? I have been vacuuming 1 to 2 times a day every day since then, and I am seeing far less, but every once in awhile I see some pop up still. I am also VERY allergic to the flea bites, and they love me. Lol

2 Answers
JessieGaylor answered 6 years ago

Fleas can jump over about 7 inches and enter on people’s shoes and clothes. There are various ways to control fleas. But, I think you should take some recommendations from pest exterminator. As they can prefer you to use some fleas removal methods by using some latest generation of flea treatments like using sprays.

Adam Retzer Staff answered 5 years ago


You shouldn’t need to do another treatment. Vacuuming regularly should be sufficient.

The exterminator likely used an insect growth regulator (IGR), which will remain active for 7 months. The IGR mimics insect hormones and will prevent eggs and larvae from becoming adults. So, it will prevent any future generations.

There shouldn’t be any new generation of fleas anyway, if what you are experiencing is just the remnants of a previous tenant’s infestation. Fleas can’t survive and reproduce without an animal host in the home.

Fleas usually are eradicated in around 8 weeks. But a few may emerge as late as 5-6 months, because cocooned adults can enter a quiescent state with extended longevity.

Warm regards,
