I rescued a kitten last week from a bad living situation. He had terrible fleas so that day I took him to the vet and got him Revolution. He used it and already looks a lot better.
The first three days I had him I kept him “quarantined” in a large bin. We pet him and tried to keep him entertained. Every day I have vacuumed multiple times a day, washed my bedding every other day, and sprayed the room he is allowed in. When he was in the bin I cleaned it every day.
He’s out of the bin and allowed to run around my room now but I still do daily cleanings. There were no fleas (or pets) in my house before this kitten. Do you think I’m doing overkill? If not, do you have any advice for me?
All of the forums and articles I have read said the biggest flea problem is the infestation in the house so my house has never been cleaner.
We got a couple of those bug bomb things but we haven’t used it yet.
Your situation doesn’t sound too bad. If you got the kitten and immediately treated him and quarantined him, then eggs shouldn’t have dropped in your home. There shouldn’t be any immature fleas developing in your carpets and other environments.
I don’t think it is overkill. It sounds like you are being proactive, which is a good thing. It’s better to prevent an infestation than to treat one. However, washing your bedding so often probably isn’t necessary, especially if the cat doesn’t go on the bed. You can dial the vacuuming back a bit too. See our page on How often to vacuum.
My primary advice is to keep a close eye on your cat and the room. It may be a good idea to set up a flea trap in that room. Flea traps are poor for control, but they are very useful for monitoring flea populations in an area and determining when an infestation is over. If you start noticing more fleas, it may be time to use those bug bombs (ensure they contain pyriproxyfen or methoprene).
Hope this helps!
Note: since I treated Grover (the kitten) I haven’t seen any fleas on him.