No pets, not sure if there are fleas

QuestionsCategory: Flea InfestationsNo pets, not sure if there are fleas
eturkman asked 6 years ago

I’m living in an apartment and I don’t have pets. In my neighborhood, there are many cats outside on the streets. We give food and water to them. Sometimes, 1 or 2 cats sneak into the apartment and sleep on the doormats. I guess they leave eggs and larvae on them. There was no problem until my neighbor next to my apartment sprayed their house because of fleas. (They also don’t have pets)
One week later, one night I saw a flea jumping on my laptop then I caught it and killed it. Before seeing that flea I had itching on my waist area but it’s a normal thing for me because my skin gets dry in winter and becomes itchy. So I checked that area and compared it with the flea bite pictures online but couldn’t be sure if they are flea bites or itch wounds (both can have small black dots).
After that, I became paranoid and cleaned and washed everything in the house and sprayed suspected areas with flea killer spray. I enter the house after shaking off the lower parts of my pants. I keep vacuuming and mopping the house regularly, for 4 days there are no signs of fleas in the house and no bites on me.
Since I don’t have pets and the human body is not convenient for cat fleas to breed. I’m guessing that flea was just the one that may jump on me when I was going to my apartment. I don’t know for how long it stayed in the house and not sure if there’s more. I was just wondering if it’s necessary for me to get my flat sprayed.
Thank you for your interest and time.

1 Answers
Adam Retzer Staff answered 6 years ago


It sounds like a stray flea found its way into your home, or you have a minor infestation originating from the doormat. If the cats never left the doormat area, then the infestation will be limited to that location. Adult fleas may emerge from there and move towards you, but they can’t survive or reproduce on human blood, so new eggs should be laid in the home.

You shouldn’t need to get your flat sprayed (pest professionals will use the same ingredients you can find over-the-counter anyway, namely the IGR). However, it may be a good idea to continue vacuuming the doormat area for a while. More information on vacuuming fleas. And ensure the flea spray you used contains an insect growth regulator (IGR), either pyriproxyfen (Nylar) or methoprene (Precor). The IGR active ingredient will remain effective for 7 months, preventing eggs and larvae from maturing.

I hope this helps!

Warm regards,
