Nuisance Fleas after 2 Months

QuestionsCategory: Flea InfestationsNuisance Fleas after 2 Months
Chris asked 8 years ago

Like many on here, I purchased a home that had a flea infestation from the previous owner’s pets. I had the home treated professionally twice prior to moving in. It has been 6 weeks since the last professional treatment, and with my vacuuming and some over the counter treatments I felt pretty good that I had gotten rid of them, as I had not seen a flea in almost two weeks now.
However, I have discovered a few small bites on my legs, leading me to believe that there are still some stragglers around. Is this normal, given that I hadn’t seen a flea in so long? If so, should I just resume my vacuuming regiment, or am I at any risk of a re infestation? I don’t have a pet, and I am the only one who lives in the home.

1 Answers
Adam Retzer Staff answered 8 years ago

Hello Chris,

It’s normal to see fleas here or there for a while after treatment. Usually, it takes around 8 weeks for the fleas to be completely extinct within the home. Sometimes it takes longer.

The problem stage is the pre-emerged adult, which can stay quiescent (dormant-like) in its cocoon for up to 5 months while it waits to detect a host (heat and pressure). Vacuuming is the best way to force these adults to emerge.

It sounds like your flea problem is almost over. There isn’t risk of re-infestation without any pets in the home. You should be flea-free soon with just a little more patience and vacuuming.

Warm regards,
