rugs and bedding question

QuestionsCategory: Flea Infestationsrugs and bedding question
Lynda V.E. asked 8 years ago

Hi there, I have a flea infestation in my apartment.  I am currently treating the cats with Advantage II and the rugs, bedding, etc. with Siphotrol II Premise.   However, I have old wall to wall shag rugs and was wondering if the Siphotorol was enough to penetrate into the rugs, or if I needed something more.  Also, because I have no car, washing my bedding, especially comforters, is a problem and costs me more because I have to pay additional to go to a laundromat with washing machines large enough to accommodate them.  (We have washer/dryer hookup but they are too small.)  How often should I be washing the bedding?  Can I spray the bedding?  Thank you. 🙂

1 Answers
Adam Retzer Staff answered 8 years ago

Hi Lynda,

It sounds like you’ve taken all the correct steps. The spray likely won’t penetrate all the way to the base of the carpets. So some fleas will escape treatment. However, this is true for all carpet types. This is why multiple control measures are needed (treating pets, treating the environment, and vacuuming and laundering.) If you are doing all these things, then there isn’t much else you can do. The infestation should be resolved soon. Usually it takes around 8 weeks, and sometimes longer, for the fleas to be completely eradicated.

It’s probably not the best idea to spray the bedding. You don’t want to be directly exposed to chemicals for long periods of time. Do the cats sleep on your bed? Or get onto your bed at all? If not, then the bedding doesn’t need to be washed because there shouldn’t be any fleas on it. If the cats have been on your bed, then you should spend the money to have the bedding cleaned. Then, don’t allow the cats onto it again. So you would only need to do it once. Also, keep the bedding from hanging low to the ground, so fleas can’t jump onto it and access the bed. They can only jump to the height of a human ankle.
