small bites on legs in bunches are these fleas

QuestionsCategory: Flea Infestationssmall bites on legs in bunches are these fleas
Jen Pearson asked 5 years ago

I am going crazy with bites these bites are not ichy but are in bunches of red dots not sure if these are eggs or not do fleas lay eggs like that and can I use flea shampoo on my body

1 Answers
Adam Retzer Staff answered 5 years ago


Fleas do bite in clusters of 2 or 3, as do bed bugs.

However, what you describe doesn’t sound related to fleas. Flea bites are very itchy. And the bites aren’t small lesions. They are similar to mosquito bites.

Fleas don’t lay eggs in skin.

I would suggest not using flea shampoo on your body. Fleas don’t live on people. They bite and then leave. So shampooing wouldn’t do much. Using an insect repellent would be a better idea, but, again, these bites sound unrelated to fleas.

I hope this helps!

