Stray cat.

smangione asked 6 years ago

We took in a stray cat 4 days ago. Just found out yesterday that he had fleas so far we vacuumed today and yesterday we applied Vet’s best flea and tick home spay for cats to the whole house. (not on the cat). We took the cat to the vet yesterday gave him a oral pill and drops on the back of his neck. How much longer do you think we have to deal with this? I’ve never seen a flea roaming around on the pet or surfaces.

smangione replied 6 years ago

We’ve never combed him so that a necessary step?

smangione replied 6 years ago

He like to stay on top of a chair all the time only coming down once and a while for food and water.

smangione replied 6 years ago

Could you give me any tips and tricks I should do/keep doing? like should I get more spray for the house? etc

1 Answers
Adam Retzer Staff answered 6 years ago


I sincerely apologize that it took so long for me to get to your question. I hope your flea problem is resolved by now. I will still answer the question in case any other people come to this page.

If the cat and home are properly treated, then it will take around 8 weeks to completely eradicate the fleas. The main reason it takes so long is because immature stages make up the bulk of infestations. They reside deep within carpets where they are protected from control measures. It takes time for them to mature, emerge as adults, and die.

It sounds like you caught the infestation relatively early if you aren’t seeing fleas around the home. However, there may be many immature stages developing in the environment, and it is just a matter of time before they emerge as adults.

It may be a good idea to choose a flea spray for your home that contains an insect growth regulator (IGR). I don’t think Vet’s Best does. Look for either pyriproxyfen (Nylar) or methoprene (Precor) on the list of ingredients. IGRs mimic natural insect hormones that regulate development. Exposed eggs and larvae can’t reach maturity. Immature stages make up 95-99% of infestations, and live in the environment. The great thing about IGRs is that they remain active indoors for 7 months, which is great for long-term control and prevention.

Flea combing isn’t necessary. It is useful for initially detecting fleas or flea dirt. And it’s useful in mild infestations for those who don’t want to employ chemical control measures.

Give special attention to areas favored by the cat. So, ensure you treat the cat’s favored chair with the flea spray. Areas around the chair will also be hot-spots, as eggs and flea dirt likely fell off when he jumped down.

Ensure you are vacuuming regularly. See our article on how often to vacuum for complete information on benefits and procedure.

Again, I am sorry for the delayed response. I know this information would have served you better sooner.

Warm regards,
