Tiny bites under clothes in small zig zag

QuestionsCategory: OtherTiny bites under clothes in small zig zag
haslines asked 6 years ago

Since moving into my new apartment I have been getting bitten. The problem is that I can’t figure out what is biting me. At first I thought it was bed bugs, but I both encased my mattresses and elevated the bed on traps, and I have no signs of them at all.
I have gotten a few tiny groups of linear bites. I have found them on the back of my foot near the sock line (but under my sock), behind my knee ( but under my pants), and on my nose.  The bites are small and in a close zig zag/linear pattern. The lengths of the zig zags rather small, and are only about 1.25-1.5 inches., and the bites can be very close together (between 2-4 cm)   
I don’t think I see any burrows which are associated with scabies, but who knows. 
I noticed both my leg and my foot lines because they itched, but only at the beginning. I haven’t seen any pattern such that one crop tends to appear near another.
Here are links to images of my bites

  • This is crop I got on my foot 3 days ago (please note that the scabs are artificially blackened because I used a black pen to try to see if there were scabies burrows, and the pen stained the scabs.


  • This is the crop I got on the back of my leg today (I duplicated the image, highlighting the center scabs that did not photograph well).

I have been hunting for fleas, but have no signs.  What do you think, could these be flea bites?

1 Answers
Adam Retzer Staff answered 6 years ago


Sorry for the late reply.

Those may be flea bites, but I can’t make a definitive assessment based on the pictures. Flea bites are very similar to other insect bites.

The only way to be certain that they are fleas would be to see adult fleas. One option would be to place a flea trap in the home, and see if you catch any. The trap will also attract and capture other potential insect pests.

I hope this helps!

Warm regards,
