Treating 2 kittens

QuestionsCategory: OtherTreating 2 kittens
nancy Keith asked 9 years ago

I want to give Advantage II to 2 5-month kittens.  They wrestle and play a lot so how long do I have to keep them separate after administering?

1 Answers
Adam Retzer Staff answered 9 years ago

Hello Nancy, good question.

Advantage II (and other flea drops) is applied to the back of the animal’s neck. This prevents the cat or dog from licking itself and ingesting the concentrated dose. The product doesn’t penetrate skin, but gets incorporated into sebaceous glands. As a result, the animal’s natural oils carry the treatment. It gets trans-located across the animal’s entire body, on their skin and hair, within 24 hours.

I’ve never read anything about keeping pets separated after treatment. However, it wouldn’t be bad idea to keep the kittens apart for 24 hours. That way there’s no chance of them playing/licking and ingesting the concentrated dose off each other’s necks.

Hope this helps!
