Treating cat but still have questions

QuestionsCategory: OtherTreating cat but still have questions
Joanna asked 6 years ago

This site has been so insightful. I will implement these tactics as soon as I can. But I did have two questions.
1. Has anyone had luck with the peppermint oil natural sprays that are being marketed toward killing fleas and all stages?
2. Also, I’ve been flea combing my cat every day. I was thinking about it and noticed she no longer seems to have flea dirt on her or on any of the surfaces she hangs out on. Is this a good sign? Does it mean the fleas are coming in contact with the topical medicine and not getting a proper meal because they are sick and die?
I appreciate any advice!

1 Answers
Adam Retzer Staff answered 5 years ago

1. There is no evidence that essential oils, such as peppermint oil, repel fleas. Some oils have been tested against mosquito and other pests, and most of the studies show that the oils perform very poorly compared to DEET and other traditional repellents. Perhaps more research needs to be done though.

2. It sounds like a reasonable conclusion. Sometimes the fleas will live long enough to eat and defecate though, but not long enough to mate and reproduce. So you may see flea dirt even if the treatment is working.
