unoccupied basement infestation

QuestionsCategory: Flea Infestationsunoccupied basement infestation
Elizabeth Adams asked 9 years ago

Our basement became infested after keeping our cat there.  We removed the cat and had the basement professionally treated.  Fleas are still present. The basement is not occupied and I only enter to wash clothes and then quickly and remove fleas that jump on board before going upstairs.  Will these fleas finally die out?

1 Answers
Adam Retzer Staff answered 9 years ago

Hello Elizabeth,

If no animals are allowed in the basement, the fleas will die out on their own eventually. However, this may take a while, as pre-emerged adults can survive for quite a long time. After larvae pupate into adults, the cocooned adults can remain quiescent for up to 5 months. They’ll remain in this dormant-like state until they detect a nearby host.

Even if the basement was professionally treated, the immature stages may have avoided the effects. And eggs, larvae and pupae make up 95-99% of the infestation. This is most likely why you’re still seeing fleas in the basement.

Is the basement carpeted? Vacuuming can help speed up the eradication process. It will remove some of the fleas from the carpets. Plus, the heat and pressure of the vacuum simulates an animal host, forcing the pre-emerged adults to wake up and exit their cocoons.
